We’re looking for ideas, not speakers. Specifically, we are looking for: never-before-seen presentations, from people who have changed the world in terms of Technology, Entertainment, or Design (T.E.D.). We also consider talks from entrepreneurs who have built large companies.
Our audience is not interested in: advice or “coaching” about how to live differently, causes or charities looking for support, professional or semi-pro “public speakers” who have given the same talk many times, or personal observations from an individual who is not famous. Our audience attends to meet and learn directly from inventors and designers and creators.
Speaker Criteria to be considered:
For professional speakers:
Our TEDxTucson Conferences have themes – just like big TED. The theme for our 2018 conference is “Connect the Dots.”
When we look at the world, and try to connect what is happening now to what happened in the past, do we gain understanding?
From Doug Stevenson, TEDxTucson’s speakers coach:
If you are chosen to speak at a future TEDxTucson event, you will be assigned a speaking coach. If you are not chosen for this year, you may be chosen for another event in the future. There are a limited number of speaking slots for each TEDxTucson event and lots of qualified people who want to speak on the TEDxTucson stage.
There are seven different types of talks that you might want to use as the basis of your own. Of course, you want your talk to be more than just a copy of someone else’s but watching other TEDx talks is a good place to start. Take a look at the types of talks below. Do any seem like a good fit for your idea?
The talks that make one or two very strong points, and it’s important. Examples: Bryan Stevenson, Onora O’Neill, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
An onstage look at some clever new invention that the speaker was a part of creating. Examples: Tan Le, Markus Fischer, Raffaello D’Andrea
Music, dance, magic, puppetry, or some other performance that will captivate your audience. Examples: Usman Riaz + Preston Reed, Arthur Benjamin, Pilobolus
In these talks, artists showcase their art and explain the meaning and process behind what they create. Examples:
Raghava KK http://www.ted.com/talks/raghava_kk_shake_up_your_story
Aparna Rao http://www.ted.com/talks/aparna_rao_high_tech_art_with_a_sense_of_humor
These talks are mainly about the amazement of science and discovery. Examples:
Yoav Medan http://www.ted.com/talks/yoav_medan_ultrasound_surgery_healing_without_cuts
Marcus Byrne http://www.ted.com/talks/marcus_byrne_the_
Janna Levi http://www.ted.com/talks/janna_levin_the_sound_the_universe_makes
These talks are not about one big, world-changing idea, but instead a very engaging take on an interesting topic. Examples:
Mary Roach http://www.ted.com/talks/mary_roach_10_things_you_didn_t_know_about_orgasm
Joe Smith http://www.ted.com/talks/joe_smith_how_to_use_a_paper_towel
Charlie Todd http://www.ted.com/talks/charlie_todd_the_shared_experience_of_absurdity
These talks expose your audience to an issue that they may not otherwise know much about. Examples:
Rodrigo Canales http://www.ted.com/talks/rodrigo_canales_the_deadly_genius_of_drug_cartel
Rose George http://www.ted.com/talks/rose_george_inside_the_secret_shipping_industry
As a TEDx team organizer, I am often asked how speakers a selected for the “Big TED” stage. One way is to be a TEDx speaker. In fact, 17 of the TED speakers from last month’s TED Conference were first TEDx speakers!
TEDx speakers that made it to the 2017 TED stage:
The interplay and cross-pollination between the TEDx and TEDstages are getting stronger than ever.